Report incidents of Islamophobia

Tracking and Tackling Islamophobia.

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Islamophobia in Australia Report 5 (2023-2024)  

The Islamophobia Register Australia together with Monash University is proud to release the 5th Islamophobia in Australia Report on 13th March 2025 coinciding with the UN declared  International Day for Combatting Islamophobia as well as the 6th anniversary of the Christchurch Terror Attack.

This report based on data from the Register and compiled by researchers from Monash and Deakin  universities covers incidents of Islamophobia between 2023-2024.

Community Organisation of the Year Award 2023 

The Islamophobia Register Australia was awarded the Community Organisation of the Year for 2023. Thank you to the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards for recognising the efforts of the Register and our fellow Muslim community members and organisations. 

Interactive map on Islamophobia in Australia

With the release of the 4th report, the Register launches an innovative interactive map on Islamophobia in Australia created by the Spatial Data Analysis Network and Charles Sturt University. It shows all incidents reported to the Register since 2014 until 2021. 

This visual tool helps identify hotspots as well as common incident types. The data can be viewed through multiple lenses, for example by severity or by year. By clicking on the specific incident, further details on that incident will show up.

© Derya Iner, CSU and Islamophobia Register Australia, 2023
Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this interactive map, including files downloadable from this map, without the permission of the copyright owner. 

The Islamophobia Register founded in

Academic research reports published

Islamophobic incidents from 2014 – 2021

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