Information booklets and factsheets

Becoming an Upstander: Don’t stand by, stand up!

Important information for bystanders to Islamophobia

According to the latest Islamophobia in Australia report, despite the prevalence of Islamophobic incidents taking place in the most frequented public places, people witnessing incidents are often not intervening to support victims.

Bystanders’ inaction were common behaviours cited in the report and witness reporting dropped by about half (from 47% to 24%) during the reporting period.

Read this booklet for more information on how to go from bystander to upstander. 

Becoming an Upstander: Poster

Download the Bystander activation poster here.

This poster is available to download if you wish to print and display at your school, institution or community centre, or email us at if you’d like us to send you a larger version for display.